
Hi, I am a Cloud Solutions Architect by trade - and a nerd at heart. I’ve spent the last 21 years in coding, architecture design, consulting and tinkering across the technology stack - from infrastructure to applications at scale. I enjoy creating solutions and implementing scalable and reusable architectures to drive cost-effective solutions to real world business challenges.

I am currently an Azure Solutions Architect on the Southwest team at Microsoft where I get a chance to work with some great clients and use the latest technologies to solve real business problems. More about my career can be found on LinkedIn.

This blog is my chance to finally share many of my own learnings and ideas publicly. If I find a solution that I feel is cool, I’m going to fire up my blog, write about the problem and tell you what I did to solve it. Eventually, readers will come. This blog is entirely my personal project and my opinions and have nothing to do with my employer. Thanks!